or Let’s give a plug* to…
Wordpress Fixit for those difficult issues...
Whilst I’m very comfortable manipulating WordPress to create and alter sites, I’m much less comfortable getting down and dirty with php, especially on the back-end of sites, the core php files on the host server.
Recently I updated WordPress on a number of the sites I administer, and all went according to plan except on one of those sites. It wasn’t a big deal (sitebreaker) issue, just a couple of minor functions which “hung”, like “Set Featured Image”.
After spending hours on end trying to find the source of the issue with no luck either from my own experience or on the WordPress support forum, I researched and found a service which was able to help. Enter, WordPress Fixit!*
For a very modest cost, they fixed the issue in next to no time. Their service was friendly, fast and efficient, and it didn’t cost the Earth. I am happy to recommend them to anyone who is at their wit’s end with a WordPress issue which they simply cannot resolve.
I should mention here, in fairness, that I am now (since finding their service exceptional) sharing in their affiliate system so that for each referral which generates a sale (*via the link above), a small amount is donated to one of the sites I administer on a voluntary basis.
Cheers, Dave Smith.
*Plugs on this site are sort of the opposite of cheeses. If I’m gonna give a spray to something I find wrong, distasteful, or just plain stupid, then I should give a good word or two when I find one is deserving.