was born of a need
Owned and operated by David Smith (aka davesmith_au, aka Smithy, aka Smiffy…) of Adelaide in Australia who, when he first jumped on the internet bandwagon in 2007 (a late bloomer…), was dismayed at the number of poorly constructed websites he encountered.
It soon became apparent that many people and organisations had paid out hundreds and thousands of dollars in return for what were essentially quick-built pieces of junk.
When all else fails, read the instructions…
Not knowing anything about html (the language upon which the entire internet is based) nor having the finances to pay someone else to build a site for him, he set about learning what he needed to know and building his own website, from scratch, by hand as it were. He used no proprietary programs, no site-builders and no blog software. Just a simple text-editor and a few open-source programs to help upload and manage images, and was born.
Soon after, a site Dave had become a frequent visitor to began experiencing serious problems. The (non-commercial) site owner did not have anyone who could recover the situation and the site hosts offered no support nor backup of any kind. So Dave put his hand up and (quite nervously!) moved the site to a better host.
If you want something done…
Fast-forward five years and Dave now has the skills, experience, colleagues and contacts to build you a website from the ground up, or to update a clunky and unworkable site to one which the owner can both operate herself and be proud of.
Impressed with WordPress
Using WordPress as a basis for most Smiffbuilt sites means affordability, versatility and the ability to update and grow the site as required. Wordpress started out as little more than an open-source blogging program. It has since developed into one of the most widely used content management systems on the web. With over 17,000 plugins to add functionality to an already very useful program, we’re sure to be able to find and utilise something which suits every need our clients have.
You should still have both arms and both legs when we’re done…
A good and functional website need not cost the Earth. Yes, there are times when the upgrade of an old site with bulk content will be a lengthy and resource-consuming exercise, and a complicated corporate site needs to have an appropriate level of work put into it. But by and large, a functional, good-looking site for the average small business or personal user can often be achieved with a surprisingly small outlay.
So send us an email and let us give you an estimate or quote. It costs nothing to ask.