Quality, affordability, versatility
Our aim at Smiffbuilt.com is to create quality websites for anyone. Whether you’re an individual with no internet savvy who just needs a personal webspace, or a corporate CEO tired forking out thousand$ for junk, Smiffbuilt.com is for you.
We can also provide hosting for your site and domain registration at very competitive rates. And best of all, we deliver a site over which YOU have control. If you can format an email, you can update your own site! It’s not rocket science, but it does require a user-friendly environment, especially to those new to the ‘net. We will customise your site to match your skill level.
At Smiffbuilt we won’t make you pay for things which are free, like the WordPress software, or the plug-in we used to create the simple image slider below:
All you’ll pay for is the time it takes to put it all together, and the monthly or yearly hosting and domain charges as applicable in your particular case. We’ll teach you how to manage your content yourself (it really is easy once you know how), or make periodic changes at your request.
Not only that, but at Smiffbuilt.com we have a policy of “ability to pay” pricing. What this means is that an elderly pensioner with a message for the world will not be charged at a corporate rate. Your own circumstances are taken into account during the initial negotiations and you will always be offered a deal which is in line with your ability to pay.
So give Smiffbuilt a call next time you’re considering a new site, upgrading an old outdated site, or just want more control over an existing site than you currently have.